Saturday, May 28, 2016

Paseo 2016: Set-up and Day One

And now for the theme of today's show...

Ya, seriously. But it's still better than wet wet wet.

Alright, I need to go back in time a bit to day one of the Edmond show.  I had asked our friend Randall if he'd like to help me set-up, because the man-spouse has a job (yay), which means he wasn't going to be available (boo.)  Randall said yes.  BUT, Randall is notoriously flaky when it comes to scheduling stuff, and sometimes he bails -- that is, he's nowhere to be found -- when we are expecting to get together with him.  I called him the night before the show and got no answer, and the morning of the show I was running just a hair late, and I'm sitting at the corner of 2nd and Littler trying to decide, do I go left and go on to the show, or do I go right and pick up Randall?  I went left.
    Last week I dropped by his house for a visit, and he asked me why I didn't come to pick him up.  The reason he didn't answer the phone was because he'd gone to bed early so he'd be ready in the morning.  And he was ready, an hour earlier than I was expected.  So now I'm feeling ashamed and embarrassed, and I'm feeling like I don't have the right to ask if he's available for this show.  Fortunately, he strongly hinted that he wanted to be asked.

    I picked him up at his house, and we went to my parents' house to get the truck, and he met my Dad.  Dad started talking about some work he needed done on rent houses, and Randall said he should hire him.  But then he said that, maybe not because he cusses a lot, and "joo  wadden unnerstan my oxcent."  Dad said that was okay, because he can't hear anything anyway.
    After dropping by my house to get the tent, screens,  and furniture, we headed on down to the Paseo.  The Paseo was a revelation to Randall, and he says he can't wait to come back when the show is open.  We set up the tent, short, stuck the screens and furniture underneath, strapped it down tight, and headed home.  On the way it started raining.  Dad called to say he wanted the truck back in his garage because the TV was saying we had impending hail.  On the way, Gaby happened to meet up with us on the highway on his way home from work, and he followed us the parents' house.  Once there, Randall met my Mom.  Randall is not known as a charming person, and sometimes it seems like his favorite two hobbies are criticizing and complaining, but he absolutely charmed the socks off my parents.  The five of us had a nice long enjoyable conversation, until it was time for us to go.  The hail never came.

I never sleep well the night before a show.  I tossed and turned a lot, and when I did sleep I had weird dreams. 

When the alarm went off, I got showered, dressed, got the truck packed, sandwiches and coffee made, made sure I got those items that I was afraid I was going to forget, kissed the man-spouse good-bye, and left the house in fifty minutes.  I stopped by the ON-cue and got ice and Cheez-itz and Rolaids.  I got to the Paseo early enough to get a decent (though not terribly close) parking spot, and had plenty of time to set up.

I forgot my phone.


Can't use The Square without a phone.

So, now I'm borrowing other people's phones trying to wake up the man-spouse.
"Hello? This is Gabriel." (Finally!)
"I forgot my phone."
"I can tell.  I'm talking to you on it."

He arrived with the phone a little over half an hour later, and he stayed for about an hour.  After he left, I got to use The Square for the first time, and several hours later, a second time.  So easy.  I should have done this ages ago.

Crowds were good all day.  We didn't even get the 3:00 lull.  Did I mention it was hot?

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